Contrary to popular belief, you can just upload any video you like to YouTube.

YouTube may exist a platform where many upload fun videos. However, many exercise not know that YouTube takes copyright protection seriously until they receive copyright strikes for their videos.

Yous'll get a copyright strike when you're found to have uploaded copyrighted content without the permission of the copyright holder.

A copyright strike comes into forcefulness when the copyright possessor submits a written takedown request to YouTube.

A takedown asking is a request to Youtube to remove a video for copyright infringement.


  • 1 What Happens When You Become a Copyright Strike?
  • 2 Copyright Strike Penalty
  • 3 What Happens When Yous Get 3 Copyright Strikes on YouTube?
  • 4 How to Check Copyright Strikes on YouTube
  • v Difference Betwixt a Copyright Strike and a Copyright Claim
  • vi How to Remove a Copyright Strike
  • 7 Tips on How to Forestall a Copyright Strike on YouTube
    • vii.i Never Upload Copyrighted Material Wholesale or Even Parts Of Information technology
    • vii.ii Use Stock Videos
    • 7.three Use YouTube Audio Library
    • seven.4 Make Your Own Music
  • 8 Oft Asked Questions
    • 8.1 Will I Get a Copyright Strike on an Unlisted YouTube Video?
    • 8.2 Volition I Become a Copyright Strike on a Individual YouTube Video?
    • 8.3 Volition I go a Copyright Strike if I Credit the Video to the Copyright Possessor?

What Happens When You Get a Copyright Strike?

The first copyright strike yous get serves every bit a warning. To make certain you empathise how copyright works on YouTube, you're required to attend Copyright School. Here you'll acquire the basics of copyright with the view to avoiding copyright strikes in the future.

Copyright Strike Penalty

If you're planning to monetize your channel then a copyright strike may work against y'all when you're applying for the YouTube Partner Program.

If your alive stream was met with a copyright strike and was taken down, you'll non be allowed to do live streaming for the adjacent seven days.

What Happens When You Become 3 Copyright Strikes on YouTube?

The outset two copyright strikes serve every bit warnings. On the third strike, YouTube will put its foot downwards and take stern action.

When you go three copyright strikes on YouTube, your account and any channel tied to it are bailiwick to termination. For example, if you have 3 more than channels apart from the 'culprit' channel under the same account, they are subject to termination. Even if they are not guilty of copyright infringement.

Also, all the videos you've uploaded to your account will be taken down.

The final nail in the coffin is you volition be barred from creating new channels.

Yous can see from the higher up that YouTube really means business when it comes to dealing with copyright infringement.

How to Check Copyright Strikes on YouTube

Here's how to cheque copyright strikes on YouTube:

Step 1: Log in to YouTube Studio.

Pace 2: On the left console, select Content.

Footstep 3: Under the Filter department, click on Copyright claims.

Step four: Under Restrictions, hover over Copyright claim to run into details.

A copyright claim is different in the sense that it'southward less serious than a copyright strike.

A copyright claim is also known equally Content ID. The copyright holder uploads a re-create of his work to the YouTube database. The fingerprint of the work is stored at that place.

When someone uploads another copy of it, the system is trigged and you lot'll be notified that you're using copyrighted content in your piece of work.

When you bank check your YouTube dashboard, y'all'll see the phrase 'includes copyrighted content.

Here, the copyright possessor is not blocking yous from using his or her content. He doesn't want YouTube to have downwards your video. It's but that he wants to merits any gain that come up from information technology.

If y'all have a monetized channel, then y'all'll have to share the revenue with the copyright owner.

You're, all the same, allowed to claiming the Content ID or copyright merits.

You tin check on See Details (screenshot above) under the Copyright Claim to learn more than.

A Content ID claim tin can also be easily resolved. You're given options under the Actions menu.

In the example of music, yous may trim out the copyrighted function, supplant the song with one from the YouTube Audio Library, or mute the song.

How to Remove a Copyright Strike

You accept seen to a higher place how yous can hands resolve a copyright claim or a Content ID claim.

How do you remove the more than serious copyright strike?

Equally stated earlier, if it's your first strike you'll accept to attend Copyright School schoolhouse to resolve the matter. The copyright strike volition expire subsequently 90 days.

Notwithstanding, if you feel that you've been wrongly accused of using copyrighted content, you take ii options. This happens if you accept written permission to utilize the copyrighted video or if the video is in the public domain or so.

You can write to the claimant and request him to retract the copyright infringement claim. You would have to provide an explanation of why you would want him to practise so.

Also, if you lot experience yous've used the copyrighted content as role of a commentary or review under fair use, yous tin submit a counter-notification.

Tips on How to Foreclose a Copyright Strike on YouTube

You accept at present learned how seriously YouTube views copyright infringement. Having to deal with copyright strikes is a messy matter.

And then, it'southward wise to avert a copyright strike than having to bargain with it later. Here'southward the thing. If you want to make money on YouTube, stay away from copyrighted content. You lot may get away with information technology for some time. Withal, ane day, when you least look information technology, a copyright strike will knock on your door.

Yous don't want this to happen when your channel is growing and yous're beginning to earn money. You don't desire your difficult piece of work to go down the drain.

That said, here are ways to avoid a strike on YouTube.

Never Upload Copyrighted Fabric Wholesale or Even Parts Of It

If yous're a serious YouTube creator, you should strive to create your own content. In that location are some videos marked every bit Creative Eatables on YouTube that allow its reuse. While this is fine, the risk is e'er in that location.

The owner may any time modify the CC license to a Standard YouTube license which gives him copyright protection. And then, always recall long-term and embrace all the loopholes.

And then, strive to make your own videos, no matter how 'imperfect' you lot think they'll turn out to be.

Yous have a ready video camera on your smartphone. Become a few affordable accessories and start shooting with it.

Too, entry-level camcorders are affordable these days if you lot decide to take your video production a notch higher.

YouTube doesn't penalize low-quality video. Notwithstanding, uploading copyrighted videos may event in lawsuits and out-of-court settlements.

Utilize Stock Videos

If you can't create your own content, use stock videos. In that location are many sites offer copyright-complimentary videos for free.

Utilize YouTube Sound Library

Copyright-free audio clips are also available over the Internet. You may also use music from the YouTube Audio Library.

Make Your Own Music

Use a music maker software program to make your ain music if you don't want to come across complications when using the music of others. In that location volition be a learning curve, simply yous'll be in control.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I Become a Copyright Strike on an Unlisted YouTube Video?

It doesn't hateful you're video is unlisted and non bachelor for public viewing, it is immune from a copyright strike.

Also, someone may have the unlisted video and share it on a public playlist.

Unlisted videos can however exist shared with others through a link and be viewed by many others.

YouTube doesn't desire its platform to be used for disseminating copyrighted videos.

Will I Get a Copyright Strike on a Private YouTube Video?

Yes, you lot may get a copyright strike if the owner has registered a Content ID on the video. YouTube will detect the video equally matching the Content-ID and volition flag it. It will then be left to the copyright possessor whether to submit a takedown asking or outcome a Content ID merits.

Volition I get a Copyright Strike if I Credit the Video to the Copyright Owner?

Yes, the owner may submit a takedown asking despite your offer to credit him. So, don't take the risk of uploading a copyrighted video even if you're crediting the possessor.